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Textbooks, Chromebooks and other Items
  • Textbooks - You can bring textbooks up between 7 and 3 daily and leave them under the bench with the work bins. 
  • Chrome books - If you have a school issued Chromebook, you can come up between 7 and 3 daily and knock on either Ms. Sara or Ms. Wendy's window and they will take possession of the device. DO NOT LEAVE A CHROMEBOOK UNATTENDED
  • Locker Contents - We still have bags from the hall lockers with student items. Email Mr. Kujala to make arrangements to get your child's items at [email protected]
  • Gym Locker Contents - Please email Mr. Kujala to arrange time to bring your child up to the school. He/she will be able to go and retrieve gear. (A mask must be worn when entering the building, self supplied or free provided by the district).