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December 18, 2024

Message from the Treasurer

Dear Parents,


In the event that you are not aware, the parent company of K-12 which you use to put funds on your child’s cafeteria account and/or to pay school fees via credit card or debit card is scheduled to be deactivated at the end of December.


Please refrain from using the K-12 website to put funds on your child’s account.  If you need to put funds on your child’s account during the week of December 16, 2024 or anytime thereafter, we will be happy to accept a check or cash and will be happy to place those funds on your child’s account. 


We are pleased to announce that we have partnered with PaySchools to manage your child’s cafeteria account effective December 20, 2024.


Any account balance at the end of the school day on December 19, 2024 will be transferred over from K-12 to PaySchools.  Unfortunately, your profile in K-12 cannot be transferred over to PaySchools due to the proprietary nature of the K-12 software.  This means that you will have to create a new profile in PaySchools which cannot be done before December 20, 2024.  The registration process in PaySchools is simple and will require your child’s ID number which is the number shown on your K-12 account screen.


December 13, 2024

Message from the Treasurer
Dear Parents,

Please be advised that the parent company of K-12 which you use to put funds on your child’s cafeteria account and/or to pay school fees via credit card or debit card is scheduled to be deactivated at the end of December.


Please do not use the K-12 website to put funds on your child’s account after December 15, 2024 to ensure funds are not lost in the transition.  If you need to put funds on your child’s account during the week of December 16, 2024 or anytime thereafter, we will continue to accept a check or cash from you and be happy to place the funds on their account. 


We are pleased to announce that we have partnered with PaySchools to manage your child’s cafeteria account effective December 20, 2024.


Any account balance at the end of the school day on December 19, 2024 will be transferred over from K-12 to PaySchools.  Unfortunately, your profile in K-12 cannot be transferred over to PaySchools due to the proprietary nature of the K-12 software.  This means that you will have to create a new profile in PaySchools which cannot be done before December 20, 2024.  The registration process in PaySchools is simple and will require your child’s ID number which is the number shown on your K-12 account screen.


Please continue to check the website for future updates expected on December 18th and January 3rd.

December 9, 2024
Message from the Treasurer
Dear Parents,
Please be advised that the parent company of K-12 which you use to put funds on your child’s cafeteria account and/or to pay school fees is scheduled to be deactivated at the end of December.
We are pleased to announce that we have partnered with PaySchools to manage your child’s cafeteria account effective December 20, 2024.
Any account balance at the end of the school day on December 19, 2024 will be transferred over from K-12 to PaySchools. Unfortunately, your profile in K-12 cannot be transferred over to Payschools due to the proprietary nature of the K-12 software. This means that you will have to create a new profile in PaySchools which cannot be done before December 20, 2024. The registration process in PaySchools is simple and will require your child’s ID number which is the number shown on your K-12 account screen.
Please continue to check the website for future updates expected on December 13th-  December 18th.


Social Media

Latest News

State Test Prep

Help your child prepare for the Ohio State Test that will be given in the Spring.  Tips and practice tests are available.  

Hudl Fan App

Live stream athletic and school events on the Hudl Fan App.  Hudl Fan App can be downloaded from Apple Store and Google Play.  Once you download the app, search Chalker.  Please note that Hudl videos will no longer stream via Wildcat Athletics on Youtube.

Yearbooks On Sale

Now is the time to order your 2024-2025 Chalker Yearbook.  Price is $60.  We will NOT order extra books. All copies MUST be pre-ordered. (Enter Chalker for school name)
More +



December 18, 2024

Message from the Treasurer

Dear Parents,


In the event that you are not aware, the parent company of K-12 which you use to put funds on your child’s cafeteria account and/or to pay school fees via credit card or debit card is scheduled to be deactivated at the end of December.


Please refrain from using the K-12 website to put funds on your child’s account.  If you need to put funds on your child’s account during the week of December 16, 2024 or anytime thereafter, we will be happy to accept a check or cash and will be happy to place those funds on your child’s account. 


We are pleased to announce that we have partnered with PaySchools to manage your child’s cafeteria account effective December 20, 2024.


Any account balance at the end of the school day on December 19, 2024 will be transferred over from K-12 to PaySchools.  Unfortunately, your profile in K-12 cannot be transferred over to PaySchools due to the proprietary nature of the K-12 software.  This means that you will have to create a new profile in PaySchools which cannot be done before December 20, 2024.  The registration process in PaySchools is simple and will require your child’s ID number which is the number shown on your K-12 account screen.

MORE INFO:Pay Schools Info 12.18.24.pdf


December 13, 2024

Message from the Treasurer

Dear Parents,

Please be advised that the parent company of K-12 which you use to put funds on your child’s cafeteria account and/or to pay school fees via credit card or debit card is scheduled to be deactivated at the end of December.


Please do not use the K-12 website to put funds on your child’s account after December 15, 2024 to ensure funds are not lost in the transition.  If you need to put funds on your child’s account during the week of December 16, 2024 or anytime thereafter, we will continue to accept a check or cash from you and be happy to place the funds on their account. 


We are pleased to announce that we have partnered with PaySchools to manage your child’s cafeteria account effective December 20, 2024.


Any account balance at the end of the school day on December 19, 2024 will be transferred over from K-12 to PaySchools.  Unfortunately, your profile in K-12 cannot be transferred over to PaySchools due to the proprietary nature of the K-12 software.  This means that you will have to create a new profile in PaySchools which cannot be done before December 20, 2024.  The registration process in PaySchools is simple and will require your child’s ID number which is the number shown on your K-12 account screen.


Please continue to check the website for future updates expected on December 18th and January 3rd.

December 9, 2024
Message from the Treasurer
Dear Parents,
Please be advised that the parent company of K-12 which you use to put funds on your child’s cafeteria
account and/or to pay school fees is scheduled to be deactivated at the end of December.
We are pleased to announce that we have partnered with PaySchools to manage your child’s cafeteria
account effective December 20, 2024.
Any account balance at the end of the school day on December 19, 2024 will be transferred over from K-
12 to PaySchools. Unfortunately, your profile in K-12 cannot be transferred over to Payschools due to
the proprietary nature of the K-12 software. This means that you will have to create a new profile in
PaySchools which cannot be done before December 20, 2024. The registration process in PaySchools
is simple and will require your child’s ID number which is the number shown on your K-12 account
Please continue to check the website for future updates expected on December 13th -  December 18th.

More +

College Credit Plus Meeting (10-10-24

If you would like information regarding College Credit Plus and Kent State University, please watch the informational video below.  If you have any questions, please contact Ken Lasko, Guidance Counselor, at 330-898-7480 ext. 111.

Superintendent's Message

Superintendent’s Message

As the winter sports season begins, we also must welcome the inclement weather.  We want everyone to know that the safety and welfare of all involved in the Southington School Community is our first priority.  As always, we try to communicate as early as possible through our all call system when we have a calamity day.  We understand the stress it puts on everyone to make adjustments to their schedule.  Hopefully, with that being said, we will have a safe winter quarter.

We would also like to encourage all of you to support our athletic programs and we welcome you at our events.  Please visit our website for schedules of all school activities.




Educationally yours,

Rocco Nero

Superintendent of Schools

Southington Local


More +

Elementary Yearbooks on Sale

District Calendar 24.25

Academic Calendar

24.25 MS/HS supply lists

View text-based website