Athletic Boosters

Southington Athletic Boosters

Southington Athletic Boosters
The Boosters meet the first Wednesday of each month in the computer lab at 6:00 PM. Everyone is welcome  to be an athletic booster. Dues for one year for a single person or a family is only $5.00 with the membership money going to the scholarship fund.
Join the Athletic Boosters and help us help our athletes!
Good Luck Athletes! We are proud of all of your accomplishments! 
Southington Athletic Boosters Officers
Tiffany Hudak
Crystal Nevling
Heather Harnett
                                                      Samantha Grimm                                                    
The next Athletic Booster Meeting is ....



(Coaches complete prior to fundraiser.)
(Turn in with deposits.)
(Complete at the end of fundraiser.)
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